Chrystiker's Story:

Before the Junkyard!

By: MistyKitty (The story of one of my RPG frends)

"There's 3 Pretkit, 3 baby Toms!" The crystal white and brown Tabby ran into the shed. 3 baby kits were wobbling about blindly by their mothers side. The tom smiled, "A fine litter Marytin." The two cats nuzzled. The calico queen smiled up at her tom. Three weeks passed in peace 'till the kitts eyes were just opened. "Ha ha, yes a wonderful litter, as I heard!" Marytin's head jerked up,
"Moterick!" She hissed the name as if it were a curse. Pretkit turned to face the cat and fell into defensive stance.
"Now is that any way to greet your brother?" He sneered. "You're no brother of mine!" Pretkit advanced on the raggedy tom. The silver nodded and the henchcats rushed forth. Pretkit fought valiently but was drastically outnumbered. Some henchcats held back Marytin as two held up the white and brown tom.
"Brotherly love." He smiled evily and slashed his claws against Pretkits throat. Then he advanced on her.
"No!" Martin's scream rang through the alleyway. It was the last sound she made, ever. Next, Moterick went after the kittens.
"Allright you flea-infested furrballs, it's your turn!" He lashed at a tiny black tom, slashing the kittens throat. Seeing the fate of his littermate a tiny white tom dodged behind an old tire and watched, mortified, as his remaining brother tried to also escape. One swift motion by the fiend Moterick took the poor kittens ear off. A few more blows were thrown then finally the final blow. A blow to the underbelly wich left the kitten collapsed in a pool of blood. The evil tom then went looking for the little tom called Chrystiker, he shone like a crystal. But after searching for what seeed an eternity for the little cat, the evil tom finally left. He left througfh the cat dorr and sneered, "Such a little kitten will never survive alone without his parents anyways. He'll be dead in a few days!" With that, Moterick was gone.
The kittten had miraculously survived on the streets for 2 months despite what Moterick had thought. Finally a caring mother took him in.
"Fine but keep him out of my way." The queen nodded to her tom and ushered the young kitten away. The queens other kittens, Finxer and Twyde, weren't even as kind to the poor kitten as their father was. At least he left Chrys alone but they taunted him at every turn, except when thier mother was around. Chrystiker eventually got so that he never left her side. The one time he did she'd wanted him to accompany her to the store, but he was too tired and stayed home so she went off alone. The next thing he heard were Finxer and Twyde yelling at him about how he should've been there and he new she wasn't seeing well, and it's his fault she died.
"What?!?" was all he could manage.
"She got hit by a car Sissy Chryssy!" Chrys couldn't see through his tears the evil glint in Finxers eye. he ran and hid.
Soon fathercat began to stay out later and later and none of the kitts new where but when he came home no one moved or said a word for fear of punnishment for it. Young Chrys always got it worse.
"You're not my son" he'd rant as he drug his claws down poor Chry's back. Chrys hurt but he always thought.
"This is my father, he's just sick, he doesn't mean it. It'll be over soon." And even though the other kittens had already left Chrystiker stuck by his dad. He had the scars to prove it. Some how though his beautiful fur always grew over it. This upset the Tom even more he wanted it to be permanant so the next time so he bit off the tip of poor Chrystiker's tail. This ended it's splendor but it still reached the floor. Still Chrystiker remained. But eventually the old Tom died a terrible and painful death. He had a fever was shaking and screaming. Untill he finally died. It was terrible for poor Chrystiker. He left and eventually found himself at the Junkyard.

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